what to do with wool packaging

Wool packaging can typically be reused or recycled. Here are some options:

Reuse: Wool packaging can be reused for packaging fragile items or as insulation. You can also donate unused wool packaging to local charities or community organizations that may have a use for it.

Recycle: Many wool packaging manufacturers offer recycling programs where you can return used wool packaging to be recycled into new products. Alternatively, you can check with your local recycling center to see if they accept wool packaging for recycling.

Compost: If the wool packaging is untreated and free of any other materials, it can be composted. The natural fibers will break down over time and add nutrients to your soil.

Landfill: As a last resort, if none of the above options are available in your area, wool packaging can be disposed of in a landfill. However, this is not an environmentally friendly option and should only be considered as a last resort.

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